Saturday, 6 April 2013

Chicken Sweet Corn Soup (With Tinned Corn)

Hi Friends,
   Easiest way of making Sweet corn soup in hurry bury is to use tinned corn......Makes yummy soup in minutes.

1 tin sweet corn (cream style)
3 cups of chicken stock  (Recipe)
1/4 tsp black pepper powder
Salt taste
1/2 cup of cooked chicken (from chicken stock)
1 egg (beaten)
A pinch of ajinomoto
A pinch of sugar


  • Open corn tin, mix corn and chicken stock in a heavy bottomed pan. Bring it to boil.

  • Add chicken pieces, black pepper, salt, sugar and ajinomotto. Mix well.

  • Check the soup thickness, According to me thickness was perfectly good. So I didn't add cornflour mix but if you want soup to be more thick then add 2 tsp of cornflour in 1/4 cup of water. Cook for 8-10 mins.
  • Add beaten egg, stir in circles constantly. Keep stirring until the egg is cooked through and become silky strands in the soup.Boil for 3-4 mins.
  • Remove from fire. 
  • Serve hot with green chilies in vinegar.


Niesha said...

Thank you sharing dear. I love corn soups a lot.:)

Unknown said...

didn't know egg can be used for this soup. looks delicious

Unknown said...

Soup looks absolutely smashing!! :)

Unknown said...

i love sweet corn soup....

Chitz said...

Lovely looking soup.. My mom used to make this in the same way :)

Mythreyi said...

Looks Comforting and quick..

Yum! Yum! Yum!

Home Cooked food said...

i also use canned soup sometimes. then add tofu in it. yours looks very comforting.

Dipti Joshi said...

Just like restaurant style!

Shobha said...

Perfect soup.. looks like the restaurant one.

Rafeeda AR said...

this looks so restaurant like... :)

Me & More ... said...

Soups looks just yumm...Nice Shruti..

Asiya Omar said...

Wow! Super Click, mouth watering here.

Mélange said...

Truly yummy and well-made Shruti.

divya said...

Superb !!!

Julie said...

very healthy n delicious soup dear,love this one!!

Unknown said...

Very appetizing said...

deliicous n hot luking soup..nice

Shruti Dhingra Wahi said...

Thanks to all my friends for their lovely comments :)

Jannet Loves to Experiment said...

Canned corn isn't bad after all. It does make cooking easy. Loved your soup

Nilu A said...

Delicious... Very healthy and yummy soup. Lovely presentation... Lovely presentation Shruti :-)